Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Political debate 9

Political debate 9

Q What is the purpose of prison? Is it to just put individuals away for crimes or is it to help facilitate changes in behavior so that an individual can return to the community once the debt has been paid? Also, do you think that there could be better programs to help families on the outside while a member of their family is in prison? Here are a few examples of current programs that do this?

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The first thing that is required mentioning here is that prisons have four major purposes, which are incapacitation, rehabilitation, deterrence and retribution. Retribution is providing strong punishment to the criminals through depriving them of their freedom. Through incapacitation, a prison removes criminals from the society and through deterrence prison prevents anticipated future crimes. Finally, through the purpose of rehabilitation, prisons provide varied activities, which are designed for changing the behaviors of the criminals and modify them so that they can live a better life.